
The Lucky Bag

Navy Supply Corps Midshipmen Officers School

First off, and of real interest to the Junior Battalion is the fact that the conflict between our last final and the senior class graduation has been decided in favor of the case system. As a result, our predecessors must receive their final ovation without our presence. As will be officially announced this week, we are off after a formation in traveling uniform at 1155, 23 May; with leave expiring 1945, 4 June!...

Oh, but this is not all--we are effervescing with good news this morning. It is with no small pleasure that we predict an extra hundred eagles for our jeans when that above-mentioned, happy day arrives. While it's still too early to be exact, our uniform gratuities should arrive within the next two weeks, and definitely by the 23rd!!...

A new "Form the Battalion" will start its career tomorrow morning when the new stripers will be announced. Just between us, let's speculate on Rehurek for Battalion Commander; Hoffman for Sub-Batt Commander, Bryan for Company 3 "Hep-ster," Wanvig to take over for Company 4, with Bergen and Harty for Company 3 Platoon Leaders, and Stallard and Moss for Company 4!!...

While we're getting hot tips from our crystal ball, we wager 20 May as the official date for Juniors to start moving off the station or to McCulloch Hall, with such moves to take place before the 23rd!!...

And as a final memo to those with an eye on the pocketbook, it may be of interest that the Middies voted on a two-class year book, and will be lending moral as well as financial support...


So with a word of congratulation to Joe Coury and W. T. Johnson, we turn it over to the Midshipmen...
