

Single Men in Radar School To Move to Gore Tomorrow

Unmarried officers of the Naval Training School (Pre-Radar) will begin moving into Gore Hall, Winthrop House, tomorrow noon under orders of the Navy Office. The orders, which go into effect on May 1, will affect 153 men in the month of May, 100 more on the first of June, and from 75 to 100 more on July 1. Immediately affected are all single men of the first three classes.

Although the House library in Standish Hall will not be available to the pre-radar men, the officers will eat in the Gore Hall dining room and will use the common rooms.

Gore Hall, the older of the two Winthrop buildings, will be filled up before Standish is used. All of Winthrop House is being renovated and for that reason not all of the pre-radar men will be put is now. Alteration plans call for a public address system and a flag pole.

Occupied by the Army during the fall term, Winthrop House has been vacant for several months. Completed in 1931, it was known in its civilian days for its athletes, pre-meds, and its master bio-chemist Ronald M. Ferry '12.
