The spring baseball schedule, announced yesterday by Carroll F. Getchell, includes eight games including contests with four service teams and four college teams. The opening game against Quonset Naval Station will be played Saturday, April 29 at 3:15 o'clock.
After the opener, the squad will meet Camp Thomas on Saturday, May 6. The following week, the A and B teams will encounter Northeastern at Cambridge and Andover at Andover. On Saturday, May 20, the Varsity nine faces Brown at Providence. The University of New Hampshire is the next opponent and the game is planned for Saturday, May 27 at 3:30 o'clock.
On June 3, the baseballers journey out to Davisville, R. I. to meet the Camp Thomas team. Saturday, June 10 will find the squad in Falmouth playing against Camp Edwards. This schedule will be added to as the season progresses.
Coach Floyd Stahl has declined to comment on prospects. The team has been practicing for about three weeks. At first the pitchers and catchers warmed up in Briggs Cage. Now, with the coming of spring weather, the squad has moved outdoors.
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