

Seeking to improve their style by scrimmaging with a more experienced team, Harvard's rugby squad lost their game with the New Zealand-Australian Navy team on Saturday by a score of 12 to 5. Inexperience and lack of coordination among the players were the two main factors in the Crimson defeat.

Playing in a mild drizzle that turned the field into a mud patch, the Harvard team was able to carry the ball over their opponents' goal line but once during the game, when Dunney Smith smashed through the ANZAC defense. John Loos' kick from the 25 yard line was successful, adding two points to the three scored by Smith a minute earlier.

Kear Stars for ANZACS

The opposing team was led by Lieutenant Commander Kear of the New Zealand Navy who was a star player several years ago in his homeland, as were three of his team-mates. Coach Syd Cabot's Harvard team, with less than a week's practice behind them this season and with only ten of last fall's Varsity men, could only hope to gain experience in the informal game.

Saturday the Crimson team, with a better understanding of the game and with more practice on their individual faults, will take the field against 15 English players from the Squantum Air Base.
