
The Lucky Bag

Navy Supply Corps Midshipmen Officers School

Even the singing has game on the case system. Latest addition to the morning jamberce in one Ruthio Fillipetti, reputedly "buffing handles overtime" to the tune of "Oh My Darling, Clementine."

Not too late for comment was the very recent Sufias-Weissler feud which centered around a petite visitor to one of the sessions. Professor Hanson refereed the affair with "Casnova" Weissler in the lead when the bell rang.

Four bells for Bob Stewart, one of the "you-all" boys from the not-too-deep South, who keeps insisting that Alabamans do wear shoes? . . .

Impressively consistent about sacrificing breakfast for bed in the morning (and who wouldn't) is the Potler-Price-Provost trio who fall out right after formation. The habit spreads . . .

Magnificent rumors keep floating to us about canoes for the Midshipmen twice a month similar to last Saturday's jamboree in Cambridge. A tumultuous second is heard from our side.


Thanks to Lt. Beackham's pointed reception of last week's guest columnist "The Bag" is back in its place. After witnessing a three hour dissertation on senility by the master, now nearing four years and twenty, all potential contributors weighed their 90 averages against the clamor of a well-read public, and have reneged "till the smoke clears." But we advocates of a free press stand in open defiance, from behind our cloak of anonymity, of course.

Service beyond the line of duty may be claimed by Art Graham this week. He proved the Hero of Holden Green. Easter morning when he saved the life of a 10 year old firebug.

Entry D is wearing black these days as a result of the recent announcement that Mrs. Monnahan has re-engaged herself in wedlock. . . The new maid has yet to cultivate here "Good Morning Dearie" to that degree of which we are accustomed . . . The faculty's Charlie McCarthy-Edgar Bergen team makes it apparent that a human relations' course is needed in the curriculum . . . With the Galesburg Classification Yard for material, Gregg cartoons for animation, and rails for weapons, Transportation Classes will henceforth be held at dawn!
