Now if you, think we've turned military on our side of the river, lend an car to be latest plight of our representatives at Wellesl'ey. In a note from the brig of Eat feline haven, Hafner reports the following: "Come Wednesday and we had an inspection by WAVES. One of the more corpulent numbers asked Goff if he curled his eyelashes as well as his hair. "Laughed, hence the present address."
We hope it is not too late to suggest this latest solution for all those dateless gents among you re the Regimental Ball scheduled for tomorrow night. The King-Kclker-Kilgore trio facilitated the whole situation by "contacting" the behind-the-counter girls at the local department stores. We are told there are excellent remnants remaining in the lingerie department of Filene's Burgain Basement for interested late comers.
And on the subject of Kilgore, if those weekly recurrent scratches are an indication the statement "you can't have your freedom and eat it too," may be applicable.
Our best regards to Warner, the P.M. kid, who is at home recuperating from a case of pneumonia. Bob's home address is 253 West 72nd Street, New York, N. Y., in case you've an extra minute and a postal card.
We must admit it is necessary to have a spring blizzard before it is possible to have a spring thaw, and both are an indication of what a young man's fancy turns to in such times. For proof we point the guilty finger toward Jack Ashley, of machine tool fame, who this week cund a recipient finger for his stories. And if you're still not convinced, please note the potential international complications in store for Dewey Miller in his affair with the Countess from Austria. Be careful she's not pulling a Don Carlos on, you, D. M., these continentals have interesting mores (customs, to the well-versed reader).
Yours 'till next week.
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