ics, cookery, advanced meteorology, arithmetic, geometry, algebra, shorthand, automobile mechanics, bookkeeping, and chemistry.
The self-teaching texts are relied upon most heavily in posts off the beaten track where mail deliveries are too few and far between for correspondence courses. Simplified language, helpful (and often amusing) drawings, frequent summaries, and true-false tests have been used to make the books effective in teaching solitary GI students.
The self-teaching program costs the soldier two bucks, which covers any number of courses. When he finishes his course, the GI may take a USAFI examination, and if he wants to study further after discharge, he can submit evidence of his self-administered work to any high school or college for credit.
Cooperates With Colleges
Besides its self-teaching books and courses, the Institute has made a selection of 700 courses at both high school and college levels offered by the extension divisions of 79 American colleges and universities through the Institute which pays for one-half of the tuition, up to 20 dollars.
In aiding college students in the Army to continue working for their degrees, and in giving every soldier the opportunity to obtain an education while working in an otherwise perhaps humdrum job, tall, lanky, pragmatic, brilliant, New Englander Spaulding is doing one of the most significant jobs of anyone in Washington's Pentagon labyrinth.
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