
Red Book and Album to Be Published Next May

Album Editor Promises 'No Substitute,' Pre-War Format

According to statements made by their respective editors yesterday, the 1947 Freshman Red Book and the 1945 Class Album will not be ready for distribution until some time next spring. Wartime restrictions and lack of cooperation among students are blamed as the delaying factors.

Thomas L. P. O'Donnell '47, Editor-in-chief of the Red Book, doubted that the annual would be published before the end of April. He expected this year's book to be smaller than preceding number because of a smaller number in the Freshman Class, because of paper restrictions, and because many V-12 Freshman have not had their pictures taken.

Editors of the Album said they would probably get the book to press by the end of this month, but pointed out that it takes two and a half months for printing and binding. "Some time in May," was their tentative promise. The new Album will not be a wartime substitute, they say, and the usual format with all the features will be maintained.

The complete Album staff has now been definitely chosen. Robert J. Low '45 is editor, Gerald E. Maslon '45 literary editor, and Henry S. Middendorf, Jr. '45 business manager. Daniel P. S. Paul '46 is in charge of activities, George D. O'Day '45 of photographs. Bruce H. Zeiser, '45 of circulation, and Frederick W. Richmond '46 of advertising.
