According to information released last night at the Quincy Street office of Captain George N. Barker, USN, Professor of Naval Science and Tactics, there is a strong possibility that members of the Naval ROTC Class of 1946 will be commissioned and ordered to active duty with their Senior colleagues at the end of this term.
This interpretation is based upon the following directive received yesterday from the Bureau of Personnel: "All NROTC students who would normally complete NROTC training November 1 this year or earlier and who are physically qualified for general sea duty will be commissioned upon completion of the present term and ordered to active duty immediately."
Accelerated Status involved
Due to the rate with which Naval Science and Tactics courses have been accelerated, this wording applies to present Harvard Sophomores, whereas at many colleges only the Classes of 1945 would be affected.
In the event that commissions do come ninth months earlier than expected for 46, regular procedure of duty assignments will, in all probability, be followed, according to Captain Barker, who stated. "It is expected that men would be permitted to express preference of duty as usual."
No change is seen in the status of the 73 seniors due for commissioning on February 25, for the directive further states that the "foregoing does not affect NROTC Class normally graduating at end of current term and in no way modifies instructions previously issued concerning their commissioning."
In order to clarify the status of the Sophomores, a dispatch was sent to BuPers yesterday. Acting upon present orders, medical examinations will be given this morning, and application data is to be compiled without delay.
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Evening Fencing Class.