
Hours for Lounge Changed By PBH

Facilities Available to All College Men From 8 to 10

Phillips Brooks House will keep its new lounge, which is to be inaugurated Monday, open from 8 o'clock in the morning until 10 o'clock at night, instead of 9 until 5 o'clock as originally announced. The record library, however, will close after 5 o'clock, when the office closes.

The new lounge, on the third floor of Phillips Brooks House, is intended to provide the student with a comfortable place to spend leisure time. Bridge, ping-pong, and billiards are among the recreational facilities. A grand piano and a radio-phonograph, with a record library, cater to the students' musical tastes, while numerous magazines and newspapers will be provided in a smaller room off the main lounge.

The Student Council hopes that this lounge will promote fraternization among both the civilian students and the services units.
