

A Beaver's Tale

Most any night now you will find one of two Ohioans presiding over the piano in the Student's Club. If it's boogie-woogie or live you want, your champion will be Bob Norris of the Midshipmen-Officers' School. If your tastes run along sweet or semi-classical lines, Dick Hucks of the junior class will hold forth. Their common meeting ground is the "Cow-Cow Boogie"; after that it's every man for himself....

Just by way of the record, we slipped into Lieut. Montgomery's office the other day to converse about sports. Our major question concerned outside athletic participation by NSCS teams.

According to him, there's no reason why a Supply team or Supply teams cannot engage in outside games, be it basketball, softball, hardball, or tiddly-winks, just so long as regular class and study hours are maintained.

It's a little late for basketball, but come spring there may be those student officers who would like to organize a baseball team to play some of the local college or service teams. Chief Clem is willing to do the coaching, too....

Favorable reports are still coming through from the midshipmen who took the excursion to Pine Manor last weekend. Pine Manor hospitality and pulchritude both, according to those present, are unsurpassed in this area....


Again your columnist makes a plea for contributions. We are reminded of a slogan in a certain Chicago newspaper column which goes, "The Wake depends upon its friends. Help! Help!" Because of the peculiarities of NSCS schedules, it is difficult for us to do the necessary legwork for the other classes....

One of our favorite classmates, who isn't doing too well in disbursing, recently asked his instructor what billet the low man in the last class received. "Oh, nothing much," replied the amiable lieutenant. "He got a gasoline barge sailing between Samoa and the States!" Our friend is studying harder....

Perhaps you've heard this one, but we were reminded of it when someone mentioned that the Captain had taken the 4 o'clock boat home. It seems a young male civilian had business with an admiral whose offices were located somewhere near the top of a metropolitan skyscraper. "Is the admiral in?" queried the young civilian. "No," replied the WAVE in the office, "he hasn't come aboard yet." Answered the indefatigable civilian, "Do you mind if I tie up my dinghy and wait?"
