The Navy is a strange animal, as many members of the Supply Corps junior class are finding out at the present ime. A few months ago the majority of the juniors were college kids. This stage was quickly followed by transition to the level of a hound (chow, liberty and/or sack variety). Now they're all, willing or no, supply beavers, gnawing away at the Manual. But the climax came early this week when Lt. Comdr. Ambrose received the literal bird during his weekly lecture to the junior class in Potter Auditorium. The bird in this case, the class ornithologist claims, was a starling; but whatever it was, it had come into Potter to escape the winter....
Under the supervision of Lieut. Montgomery, athletic officer, the junior and senior classes have organized a round robin basketball tournament, with games on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 1715. Monday's contests found the seniors winning their games at will, but as soon as the junior teams become better organized and accustomed to Briggs' asphalt courts, the contests should be more spirited. Standings, if available, will be posted in this column from time to time....
An attempt is being made, by means of this column, to record the news, past, present, and future, about N.S.C.S. The writer would appreciate any help, particularly from student officers in the senior class and the midshipman-officers' school; he requests that any items of interest be given to him in Gallatin, E-32....
It happened on one of those Saturday night shifts, when half of the Supply bachelors move out to Wellesley and half of the Wellesley girls come to N.S.C.S. One of the beavers in the former status thought he was all set--he met a lively young co-ed right away and spent the rest of the evening in her company. Surprise was his roommates' reaction, however, when he returned to the salt mines with a chagrined expression on his face. "She was all right," his explanation ran, "but with 12 more Saturday nights in Boston, do you think I'm going to put up with this 'wait 'til we know each other better' routine?"
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