Due to Standish's belated entrance into the Intramural basketball league, the House cage opener has been postponed until tomorrow, Adolph W. Samborski, Director of Intramural Athletics, announced last night. The nine teams which compose the circuit will compete until January 11.
Standish will meet Company A and Adams will play Company D in contests beginning at 2 and 3 o'clock tomorrow. The Intramural play will continue on a daily schedule, with all games scheduled between 2 and 4 o'clock.
Play Continues Through Week
On Thursday, Company B will take on a combined team from F and G of the NROTC, and a combination of outfits H and I will play Company C. Rounding out the first week, Friday will find clashes between Companies C and B, and Standish and the F and G club.
Adams, Lowell, and Standish, the three civilian Houses, V-12 Companies A through D, and two NROTC clubs from Companies F, G, H, and I, make up the nine-team league. The possibility of a squad from Dudley has not materialized.
Two clubs are scheduled to practice daily from 2 to 3:30 o'clock. Samborski announced yesterday that players would receive exercise-credit only on those days when they attend practice or a game.
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