

At Loew's State and Orpheum It's Still the Same Old Story

And unless Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer wakes up to the fact that even the sweetest flower of spring--or the biggest box office in cinema citizenry--may sicken and wilt like the leaves of yesteryear, Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon will soon be out looking for employment of a different sort.

"Mrs. Parkington" is another "Madame Curie," another "Mrs. Miniver," and as such will appeal to none of the more intelligent moviegoers who have noted the gradual and complete decline of one who was once Hollywood's leading lady. From delicate, emotional pathos, Miss. Garson has plunged to the depths of sentimental bathos.

"Mrs. Parkington" is full of the trite situations and type characters that have distinguished all of the joint efforts of Miss Garson and Mr. Pidgeon. Concerned estensibly with the recollections of the wife of one of America's great business brain, the picture fails miserably in any attempt to sketch the characters of Major (Pidgeon) and Mrs. (Garson) Parkington more than skin deep. It penetrates no farther than to show at the start of the film a big blustering oil man and his innocent gal of the far west, and at its conclusion a cynical, rather heartless old woman. The only convincing performance of the movie is Agnes Moorehead's, as the Countess, friend, adviser, and former lover of the Major.

Greer Garson has the potential acting ability of a great performer, but in her present rut, she is distinctly second-rate. It's time for a change.
