

Conservative League Hears Prediction of Third Conflict

"Many people believe that we should end the war now and make peace, and I think there's something to it," said Professor Alexander Magoun of M.I.T. on Wednesday night, as he addressed 20 listeners in a meeting sponsored by the Harvard Conservative League.

As contrasted to his attack on the New Deal last summer in front of the Harvard Liberal Union, Professor Magoun restricted himself for the most to a discussion of "The Psychological Requirements for Peace."

The main requirements for peace, he pointed out, are four: cooperation, self respect, confidence, and emotional understanding. "From these," said Magoun, "come all economic and political requirements."

Strikes Gloomy Note

Professor Magoun closed his speech on a gloomy note in expressing his opinion that we were making practically no progress toward these goals. "I confidently predict," he asserted, "World War III... and in your lifetime."


He ended the discussion by stating that whether wars would go on forever was up to the people themselves. "When the people," he asserted, "rise up and say, 'We've had enough of this, let's try something else,' then and only then will we even glimpse a future without periodic wars."
