
House Basketball To Begin Monday

Dunlap Picks 9 Navy Men For All-Star Football Eleven

Intramural basketball will begin next Monday, with games scheduled for every day of the week, Chief Dunlap announced yesterday. The past week of practice indicates Co. C and Lowell as favorites in the House play.

Dunlap and Athletic Director Adolph W. Samborski will referee the contests, and they have set the length of the periods at eight minutes.

Kelly Leads Gridders

The final standings for intramural football show the V-12 in front with a record of three wins and no losses, the NROTC second with two and one, Adams third with one win and two losses, and Lowell last with three losses. J.P. Kelly of the V-12 was high scorer with 31 points, M.C. Jenkins, formerly of the Varsity, running behind with 20 for the NROTC.

Dunlap announced yesterday his selections for an all-star team, as follows:


Left end, S. Livermore, Jr., Adams; left tackle, W.E.L. Sutton, Jr., Lowell; left guard, F.R. Walsh, V-12; center, P.W. Kavanaugh, V-12; right guard, C.C. Adams, V-12; right tackle, J.P. Quinn, V-12; right end, J.C. Hurd, V-12; quarterback, M.C. Jenkins, NROTC; left halfback, B.L. Boyce, NROTC; right halfback, J.P. Kelly, V-12; fullback, H.J. Brogden, Jr., NROTC.
