Coming as the first definite announcement among numerous rumors is the word that certain moving and alteration plans for University offices have now reached the tangible stage. Relocation of several offices now over crowded in University Hall will call for the use of Weld Hall in the Yard, and Farlow House next to the Faculty Club on Quincy Street.
Designed, according to the Harvard Alumni Bulletin, to achieve "a much more efficient arrangement of administrative offices within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in relation to one another," plus "the restoration of its original dignity, simplicity, and beauty of design to the interior of University Hall, so much of which has been lost in the overcongestion of recent years," the changes will take place in the near future, with Weld and Farlow possibly to be occupied by December 1.
Use of Farlow to Allow Expansion
Central offices of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, long packed into University's North Wing, third floor, will expand to meet present needs in Farlow House, where they will be joined by the Foreign Student Office and the Appointment Office.
Also moving out of University Hall are the Information and News Offices which go from the basement level to Weld's ground floor, and the Student Employment Office which is to adjoin them. As the Alumni Placement Bureau again commences to function, it will find a place in the remodeled Weld first floor, while the Committee on War Service Credit and Associate Professor Payson S. Wild's newly established Office of the Counsellor for Veterans move there as soon as possible.
University Hall Renovated
University Hall itself, recognized as the center of College administration, will undergo modernizing interior alterations and complete redecoration at a time not yet set, possibly over a long period or during College recess so as not to inconvenience all offices at once.
Dean Buck of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences will remain in his present offices on the second floor, south, as will Dean Hanford and the assistant deans of the College, with office rearrangement for the latter group on the first floor. Dean Buck's assistants will take the south wing of the third floor, from which Dean Leighton and the assistant Freshman deans will be moved to the first floor, north.
Chairman Gummere's Committee on Admissions is to be over the Freshman offices, while the Scholarship Office fills in part of the third floor. Expanding Records Office will be housed in the modernized University basement
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