

Supply Corps School Wives Amass $3459 in Two Years

Since the summer of 1942 when several officers' wives at the Navy Supply Corps School organized the Navy Relief Sewing Circle, $3459 has been raised for Navy Relief through dances sponsored by the group for personnel of the School. Mrs. Kenneth C. McIntosh, wife of the Commandant of the school, originated the project and has seen the profit of the dances grow from an original income of $153 to over $838 at a recent affair in Potter Hall on October 21.

WAVES, Officers, Midshipmen and their wives at the Supply Corps School may attend the dances. While the admissions price originally went toward Navy Relief, during 1944 Navy Relief drives have been held before the dances with expenses for the dance coming out of the proceeds.

One hundred dollars of the total sum has been donated to the Red Cross and $47 to the Navy Wives Club, the Executive Offices of the School announced yesterday. In view of the fact that each entering group desires an affair, there have been three a year and the next one is tentatively scheduled for sometime in January.
