Fresh from a victory over M. I. T., the Harvard Debate Council is scheduled to meet a visiting team from Johns Hopkins University tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock. The subject of the debate, which will be held in the Lowell House Junior Common Room, is: "Resolved, That legislation be enacted to permit compulsory arbitration by the federal government of industrial disputes, voluntary agreements having failed, and constitutionally conceded."
Seeking to avenge a double defeat suffered by the Council at the hands of Tufts last Wednesday will be Edwin J. Jacob '47 and W. Brewster Kopp '47, who will argue the affirmative case in this question. Judges for the debate will include Wallace E. Davies, Teaching Fellow in History, Max Gaebler, and Charles M. Hardin, instructor in Government.
The victory over Tech came last Friday evening, when Richard T. Gill '48 and Arthur D. Sporn '47, debating the affirmative position in the question: "Resolved, That the federal government retain ownership and operation after the war of those war industries now under its full control," secured the decision against Felix Brewder and Joseph Murphy of M. I. T.
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