
Debate Council Faces Tech Team Tomorrow

Federal Supervision Subject Of Opener Against Engineers

Two representatives of the M.I.T, debating club will invade the Lowell House Common Room tomorrow night at 8 o'clock to oppose a team from the Harvard Debating Council, in the Crimson's first battle of the year with their Charles River oppenents.

Richard T. Gill '48 and Arthur D. Sporn '47 will hold up the affirmative side of the question, "Resolved, That the government should retain permanent control over the industries which it has taken over tangle with Tufts in a double debate with the affirmative team taking the trip to Medford and the negative squad staying here, again in the Lowell House Common Room. The subject this time will be "Resolved, That Germany should be split up into separate entities after the war."

During the past vacation period, the Crimson debaters invaded West Point and were victorious.
