

Nassau Delays Return to '42 Calendar Until V-12 Leaves

Princeton University will return to its 1942-43 calendar when the termination of the V-12 unit no longer makes it necessary to conform to the Navy schedule, Robert K. Root, dean of the faculty, announced yesterday. This is the first concrete stop taken by any one of the Big Three toward de-acceleration and reconversion to a peacetime program.

According to Dean Root, the schedule provides for a fall term beginning in the middle of September and continuing for 17 weeks, and a spring term, also 17 weeks long, to start on the Thursday following the fall semester.

Short Summer Session

With a two-week Christmas recess and a one-week spring vacation, the calendar also includes a nine-week summer session. "A normal schedule for this period would be three courses meeting five hours week, with additional hours in laboratory," Dean Root commented.

Earlier this fall, Dean Hanford hinted that Harvard was considering a similar plan for its transition period. Under an arrangement like this, returning veterans would have an opportunity to earn credits without disrupting the usual undergraduate atmosphere.


In addition to academic plans, Dean Root revealed that if "conditions have returned to something approaching normal." Princeton will revert to a peacetime football schedule in 1945. Root stated, however, that final gridiron arrangements for next year have not been made.
