
Wild Heads New Veteran's Bureau

University Office Formed to Aid Returning Servicemen

First of a series of steps to be taken in preparation for the large scale return of service men to the University, the establishment of a war veterans' office with Payson S. Wild, association professor of Government, and associate dean of the Graduate School, as Counsellor for Veterans was announced yesterday by the Corporation.

Wild, also named as Chairman of the University Committee on Veterans, will supervise the handling of special problems due to arise as former service men pick up work broken off at time of enlistment, or start new studies under the G.I. Bill of Rights, S. 1767.

Each of the 12 graduate schools is to have an officer in charge of the plan's workings in that particular University branch, with Wild personally supervising both the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. At present, there are less than 20 veterans returned to Harvard.
