
The Lucky Bag

There's a tang of autumn and woolens in the air (special blanket issue for those around the Imperial Valley unaccustomed to a good northeaster) as one and all settle down behind a drawing board, bathed in a cold, to fight their way through finals.

But lest we forget we'll take a quick glance over the exploits of the more active and put a few on ice for old time's sake.

The Charles Got It

At last what we have all feared at one time or another has happened. But let us give you the story first. The story goes (roommate Ken Wills officiating) that Charlie Rityen was heading out Sunday morning for another whirl with his favorite officer WAVE and picked up Robbie Robinson's hat by mistake.

Later, Robbie, in all innocence, took Charlie's hat, wondering at the size or lack of it. Just as he was crossing the bridge along comes a gust of wind-you guessed it. Well, Robbie ran along the river bank for a half a mile, until finally Rityen's white war bonnet sailed glibly in to dock up below the footbridge. Ruffies and flourishes for Charlie.


Shades of Pine Manor

Out for renewed dates with P. M. girls went Mark Levy, Charlie Gould, John Lauder and Bill Schmelty this week. They report that the girls are still talking in hushed tones about smoothie Ray Wible, keeper of the Royal Entrance Parker House. He's a "solid sender" in their estimation.

Ranks and Rates

Stanley Wright and Dave Teeter were up state this weekend. They were going full guns with the sweet young things' chief specialist father, but even with the aid of their rank they couldn't get the car. So, on foot, they made the Coral Gables with mutterings about the effectiveness of discipline. No more flashing rank for these men.

Then there's the tale of Bob Simpson's tipping a South Station fountain girl with two cents on a forty cent check. He told her to "keep the change dearie" only to have her call him back for short-changing her. Was his face flushed! But perhaps not so badly as Jack Traumbauer's, who has been sending his paper collars to the laundry and complaining of the service.

But until Saturday morning rolls around keep your eyes in the guide iron in this parade and we'll hit that big pre-commissioning Ball October 31 in due time.

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