
Debating Council Renews Activities

Middlebury and Haverford To Discuss War Topics Here

The Harvard Debating Council will resume its activities Tuesday when it meets Middlebury College in a debate, which will come only two days before a meeting with Haverford College. Both will be held in the Lowell House Junior Common Room.

The Middlebury debate will revolve around the subject of national conscription of women as in England. The official subject is "Resolved: that the United States should adopt national conscription of women for war service." Addresses will begin at 7:30 o'clock.

The verbal contest with Haverford Thursday will concern an international, instead of domestic, problem. The subject is as follows: "Should the United States enter a military alliance in which Russia is a member?" Eight o'clock is the time set for the debate.

Tuesday will see the first debate since an informal meeting wth Johns Hopkns December 4 on the queston of replacng the capitalistic economic structure of the United States by a socialistic one.
