Having offered many of its officer-members the opportunity to appear in the pages of Life magazine's "Life Goes to a Party" section as a result of the past weekend's photographic foray, the Hasty Pudding Service Club for Officers has planned two features for local entertainment upon next Saturday and Sunday nights.
The usual dancing will be held on Saturday between 8 and 12 o'clock, but as an added attraction, Ken Reeves' orchestra has been selected as the band of the evening. Approved by Life's staff as by previous gatherings, a number of hostesses will again be present at the 12 Holyoke Street clubhouse.
Following a buffet supper to which all members, wives, and guests are invited, Stephen Simpson, well-known professional magician, will stage a show at 7:30 o'clock Sunday evening. This will be the second week-end in succession that a touch of the stage has come to Harvard's only officers' club for undergraduates briefly revived HPC's theatrical traditions for the benefit of guests and journalists last Saturday.
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