
Company and Classification Officers of A.S.T. Replaced

Changes in the officers assigned to the A.S.T.P. unit here were announced today. Capt. Warren Davidson has been replaced by Capt. James D. Olson as Commander of Company C, while Lt. Walter Gieber's former post of Classification Officer is now being filled by Lt. John S. Fulcher.

Captain Davidson left Saturday for the Command and General Staff School at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. Lt. Gieber departed Saturday for Bowdoin College, New Brunswick, Maine, where he is to be stationed for some time. His replacement, Lt. Fulcher, arrived recently from Amherst College.

While stationed here Capt. Davidson resided at 7 Langdon Street, while Lt. Gieber lived at Wigglesworth Hall. Neither Capt. Olson nor Lt. Fulcher has definitely chosen his residence here in Cambridge yet, but they are both expected to find permanent lodgings soon.
