
Post- War--

in the New Republic, and he directs the Research and Information Bureau of the Danish Information Service.

Although the Danes ended their resistance to the Nasis soon after their country was invaded, Danish skies glow nightly with fires and explosions wreck rail lines and shipping centers. This is the epic Hasselriis will relate in his Tuesday talk.

Very popular among his countrymen before the war, this Dane has of late become closely associated with Henrick de Kauffmann, Danish Minister who may be one of the men who form the nucleus of the Post-war Northern European country's government.

Second Summer Meeting

The Tuesday meeting will be the second public meeting given by the Council on Post-war Problems this summer, the first one being the Emerson Hall meeting of July 9 at which Senator Claude Pepper of Florida expressed his views on the Post-war situation.


The Hasselriis speech will also augment the current program of the Post-war Council, which includes discussion groups on the peoples and governments of the European countries likely to be invaded. The groups are divided into units each of which studies a particular country, its present leaders, and its post-war aspects.

Romylos C. Macridis and Neil A. McDonald of the Government Department have recently spoken at the regular Council meetings and discussion groups, while Professor Payson S. Wild spoke to the group earlier this summer.
