

(Navy Supply Corps Midshipmen-Officers School)

News Bulletin: Single men will definitely be permitted to live off the station next semester. The Review--putting it mildly--was considered by Reviewing Officers to be highly successful. The Captain, Commander Collins, and Lieutenant Anderson were lavish with praise.

The following men were selected to occupy billets during the Semester leave: Michael J. Kingsley--New York Navy Purchasing Office; Lambert Kaspers--Thompsonville, Staton Island, New York; John A. O'Hara and Arthur A. Aschauer--Navy Aviation Supply Office and Depot, Philadelphia; Ben B. Graves--Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Washington; Mortimer J. Roth--Commander, Air Force, Atlantic Fleet; and John E. Keery--Boston Navy -Yard.

Dining Delights

We've received so many threatening letters over the way we've dished sparkling satire around that we decided to write a peaceful and completely innocuous column this time. In all, the column will serve two other purposes: it will discredit those who have complained about Cowie Hall by pointing out the far-worse treatment handed out to diners at Bowser University, a western college, and it will thereby elevate in the opinions of all the enlightened administration of Harvard magnates.

Last spring, the following administrative memorandum was posted in the noble halls of Bowser University:


To: Students

From: Chief Dietician

Subject: Trays, the putting of into the kitchen

1. Students will

Inda Gestion


Mild rioting followed the posting of this order. It died easily, however, after three ring-leaders were punished by forcing them to eat two helpings of the regular Friday lunch.

No More Trays

Hardly had tranquility returned to the Bowser Campus when a second directive was issued:

Subject: The Bowser Mortgage, financing of

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