An opportunity for servicemen and their wives to study at reduced rates in night school has been announced by the Cambridge Center for Adult Education. Among the 50 courses being scheduled tto begin Monday are courses in conversational Russian, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, and Portuguese.
Nicholas Vakar will conduct a course in "Understanding Soviet Russia" with Michael Karpovich, associate professor of History, as guest speaker. Erwin Raisz of the Geographical Institute will lecture on "World Geographical Exploration. Other courses will include different aspects of music, dancing, and public speaking.
The Center has invited all those interested, especially servicemen stationed here and their wives, to attend its annual Fall Open House at 7:30 o'clock Thursday at 42 Brattle Street. Specific information concerning the courses will be available and there will also be an exhibit of war posters from the Allied and occupied countries.
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