

The Duke of Windsor was personally conducted on a tour of Harvard by David M. Little, Secretary of the University, Paul B. Buck, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Dean Hanford, Dean Jones, and other College dignitaries Saturday morning.

Followed by admiring students, the Duke walked briskly through the Yard wearing a grey double breasted suit. The coat was worn slightly longer than is the American style but the overlap was much narrorer than is customarily worn here. It was an English tweed of rather coarse weave into which was worked a small black hound's tooth check.

His shirt and tie were also grey, the latter a silver grey cravat tied in a Windsor knot. The black spotted pattern of the tie harmonied perfectly with the black and grey of his suit.

He visited Widener Library, Memorial Chapel, the University Museum, and Memorial Hall where he showed marked interest in a 'Seven Up machine.
