
Cats, Yard Cops, or Psych 1. What Can You Expectorate?

It was bad enough spitting on Yard Cops, it was bad enough getting stuck up in a tree, but when that cat went to psych class and said he didn't like the lecture, that was sacrilege.

It started the morning by going to the above-mentioned Psych 1 class, then proceeded at noon to get himself into a nasty altitude, brave but foolhardy type, sort of.

The tree it got stuck in was right in front of Widener, an affront in itself. The mob gathered and got a stepladder, too short, and then a sort of holding folding ladder, long enough. But puss loved life in the leaves and expectorating on Yard Cops, a pleasant occupation withal. It probably felt hurt anyway, the nasty man in Psych said it should be strangled for Bio 2a. Then again, this one didn't seem mad, though it was expectorating.
