

Before I begin talking about the "big show" on Saturday, September 25, I want to first say a few words about an incident which occurred in one of the classrooms the other day. It seems that a certain professor who is noted fro his natty attire was in the midst of a lecture when an uninvited guest strolled in in the person of a mangy looking dog.

Unlike the students in the classroom, the animal became enamoured of the instructor's voice and whenever the dulcet tones reached his ears he proceeded to give vent to a sound which vaguely resembled a mating call. This was, to say the least, unusual, particularly since this was a class in electronics, a subject as far removed from biology as anything can be.

Lines From London

The more the professor spoke the more poignant became "the call of the wild." After several hilarious minutes the lecturer, who all this time was trying his utmost to retain his dignity, decided that he'd had enough competition for one morning, and proceeded to take steps to eject the canine from the room.

At this point began as mad a scramble as war ever witnessed in a Harvard classroom. Man and beast locked in a struggle of obstinacy while students held onto their seats and gave vocal vent to their reactions. The professor lunged at the animal, but with every lunge the dog skillfully evaded him, accompanying each parry with a resounding howl.


It eventually took most of the class to dismiss the dog, and rumor has it that the Professor in question went directly home and shot his wife's pet poodle, but your correspondent wouldn't place much stock in that scuttlebutt . . . you know how these rumors grow.

Party Next Week

And now for the really big news of the week concerning the Radar School. On Saturday, September 25, the third Radar Party will be held in Memorial Hall, Dancing will begin at 1900 and will end at midnight. Refreshments will be served as usual, and of course, the invitation to attend is extended to those Harvard alumni now at M.I.T.

The major event of the evening will be a real, honest to-goodness radio broadcast from Standers Theatre. This broadcast, which will begin at 2000 will present an Army Navy Revue composed of home talent and will last an hour, after which dancing will be resumed.
