
Colonels Wood, Fox Leaving Army Units

Stoltz Will Succeed As Electronics Head

Colonel William Scott Wood, Commanding Officer of Harvard's Army Training Schools, and Colonel Philip Fox, Commanding Officer of the Harvard and M. I. T. Electronics Training Schools, will both begin terminal leaves of absence September 30, it was announced yesterday. The announcement follows the reinstatement September 1 of an Army ban on active duty for officers over 60 years of age.

Colonel Wood's successor has not been announced yet. Filling Fox's position will be Colonel John K. Stotz who headed the Electronics School here before Fox took over. Stotz, a native of Beloit, Wisconsin, is at present in the Philadelphia headquarters of the Signal Corps Survey Agency. He is a graduate of the Electronics school here and was its commanding officer from March to May, 1942.

Since Wood took over his duties last March from Colonel Francis A. Doniat, who took a job with the War Manpower Commission, the Army training units here have grown to eight in number and over 2600 men are now under Wood's command. Born in Bristol, Virginia, and a graduate of V. M. I., prior to his present assignment he was commanding officer of Fort Ethan Allen in Vermont. He is a colonel in the Field Artillery.

Colonel Wood has been on a sick leave since August 31 and since that time Colonel Fox of the Signal Corps has been filling both positions. Fox, a native of Manhattan, Kansas, before coming here was the commanding officer of the Gulf Coast Recreational District with headquarters in Mobile, Alabama. He took over his present duties on May 22, 1942.
