Holding a civilian status comparable to that of the present College men in the Army Enlisted Reserve Corps and looking ahead toward at least three months of University instruction in Basic Engineering at the expense of the War Department, 256 pre-draft age youths, including a few who have just turned 18, have already registered at their quarters in Winthrop House for the Army Specialized Training Reserve Program.
The student trainees, composed mainly of residents of the metropolitan New York area and of this locality, began arriving Tuesday and have utilized this week to start organizing as an infantry company and to be classified and registered by the University.
Organization will be effected by Army Headquarters here with Captain Russell N. Fairbanks as Company Commander, and will be on the order of the regular ASTP. The educational side will be handled by the Dean's office with the instruction being given exactly like, and in some cases with, the present ASTP men taking Basic Engineering.
Added burdens on an already strained teaching staff have been arriving this week in the person of the AST Reserves, who will take a normal basic engineering course beginning Monday. They will do elementary work in Math, Physics, Chem, English, History, Geography, and Engineering Drawing for terms ranging from three to nine months.
In the Mathematics classes men taking AST 406, 407, and 408 will be put in with Navy V-12 men taking similar course, announced Dean Owens yesterday. Navy courses have been unexpectedly small, averaging only about 15 men, and the new men will fill them.
Dean Owens announced that no sizable teaching changes were contemplated in Physics, History, or Chemistry, but that in English some of the younger men will be freed to take duties with the ASTR, while the older men will take several of the English Aa classes thereby vacated.
To help handle the classes, the English Department has hired two new instructors. They are Sterling Lanier, S.B. '33, who will teach ASTR men, and William Selz, A.B. '38, who will teach English Aa. Lanier has been teaching at M. I. T.
Instructors transferred from English Aa sections to the ASTR sections are Philip Burnham, Carvel Collins, Wallace Stegner, C. P. Lee, and John Leisher.
New men teaching English Aa, replacing men on vacation or men transferred to Army courses, are Professor James B. Munn, Professor B. J. Whiting, Frederick McCreary, and Theodore Morrison, who will also teach a Radcliffe course vacated by the ASTR arrivals. Other men now teaching English As have had other sections added to their day
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