

Slide-Rule Symphony Will Entertain Guests At Dance

Radio Rough house is the party to be held tomorrow night, August 7, in Memorial Hall at 8 o'clock for all students and alumni of Engineering 270, 260, and 263.

About a thousand officers and guests are expected to be there for the gain occasion, featuring Ken Reeves 12-piece dance orchestra and the faculty's Slide Rule Symphony.

When Professor Chaffee holds his sliderule poised and ready to conduct the Slide-Rule Symphony, all the audience will be breathless, to say the least. Who knows what strange and perhaps harmonious sounds will issue forth from the instruments of such an illustrious orchestra?

All-Star Outfit

Dr. Gilhens will modulate a tuba, Dr. LeCorbeilor will filter a bass viol Dr. Tatum will amplify a saxophone, and Mr. Schwetman will blast away on a hot cornet. The faculty is combing the electrons out of its hair and students are invited to witness and heckle at the performance.


Kon Reeves's Orchestra will provide music for the dancing, so officers are encouraged to bring their wives and sweethearts, or to come stagging. WAVES, WACS, And Army Nurses have been invited.
