


In the world of sports the softball team of the "Invinsible Seventh" platoon almost coasted with Lefty Don Stahl to the hall of fame when he struck out 16 men of the fifth platoon, allowing only one hit. Unbeaten in Company C the Seventh is now playing the best of Company B. We are rooting for the Seventh.

The thrill of the game between the fourth and sixth platoon last week came when Scotty Hodges stretched a three-bagger into a home run to aid "Strikeout" Hillger pitch the fourth to a nine to six victory.

"Actions Speak Louder--"

And speaking of softball, the "Doity Thofd," which has seemed to have a lot of spunk when it came to asking pertinent questions, seemed to lack proper distribution of spunk, being about the only platoon in the company which can not seem to get together 10 men to form a team. With no practice they played two games, last both, so called it a draw. At a call last week only five men showed a desire to play.

We wonder what "King Karl" of the Fourth platoon was thinking of last week when getting ready to march his platoon to chow. His preparatory command was addressed to, "Third Platoon!


Rumor flying around the yard has it that Irving Karess is joining the music world. Or is it just scuttlebutt that he has been lassoed by Natalie Liebowitz.

A five-minute prepared speech by Chief "Scotty" last week, relaying complaints from the dispensary of too much business via the basketball floor, seemingly failed to impress Company Charlie sufficiently. It took about 30 minutes by the clock until "Dit-dit-dit-da" Balmuth was carried off the floor in an improvised stretcher--sprained ankle.
