
Specialists' Corner

The army's orders confined ASTU men to a 50-mile radius of enjoyment over the Independence Day celebration, but the restriction of area didn't cut down the glee with which the soldiers scattered to beaches, baseball parks, golf courses, picnics and family outings.

One PFC showed real Yankee ingenuity for a Southerner. He was unable to get a pass to Washington, so he put in a rapid call to his girl on the Potomac, and she came up to New England for the day, making it a perfect 4th of July.

After conduction a survey of the many service clubs in Greater Boston, Ralph Freeman has heartily endorsed the Esplanade Club as his personal favorite and appears ready to settle down there. Over Saturday and Sunday he seemed to be bucking for Master of Ceremonies.

Charlie Davis had a warm reunion Saturday night with an old barracks mat who recently graduated from officers' candidate school. The two of them filled up on spaghetti and reminiscences at a small Hub restaurant.

Leon Sprague and Oden Welty have been renting bicycles on Sundays and exploring the historic haunts of Cambridge and nearby towns where early U. S. history was made.


Brother Murray Edes, who holds the record for inquiring visits to the orderly room, has a new invention to supplant his motor that revolves around the shaft--a frictionless engine that he plans to patent some day. As yet the details haven't been revealed, but the many noises emanating from A-33 give promise of something spectacular in the near future.

W. M. Dreibelbis judged a waltz contest last week at a service club, and proved to have a true judicial eye for smooth dancing. Dreibelbis is an export on the floor, in everything from the fox trot to the rumba.

Portrait of a Staff Sergeant: Saul Seigle, vociferous, likable, positive, argumentative, good humored son of Brooklyn... Student commander of the unit during the second week of its operation here, he says he learned more during that week from Capt. Bernard A. Merriam, commander, than he had in a long time.

"It was one of the best experiences I've had in the army," he declares... Seigle has been in khaki more than two year, since April 2, 1941... During his first month he spent much of his time breaking up an abandoned macadam road down in Ft. Eustis, Va... "I don't know what the army did with the pieces of that road," he smiles, "but I learned how to swing a pick-ax."

Seigle is 29 and married. He was practicing law in New York when the army called him, but his fondest memory covers his days as a pitcher on the Brooklyn College baseball team and his try-out with the N. Y. Giants in 1937.

"The Giants wanted to farm me out to some club in Mississippi," he says. "But I wanted to stay where I could hear those Brooklyn fans yelling for the Dodgers."

Seigle was supply sergeant in the New England Sector headquarters, Coast Artillery before he entered the specialized training program.
