
Ward Room Topics

Navy Supply Corps School

Why the subject of bridge should come to our mind in the midst of such surroundings and in view of the assignment program for disbursing is beyond us. Traditionally the Navy plays a lot of bridge--that is the Navy on regular assignments.

Here at Soldiers Field it is rumored that there are small hardy groups who have dared to play a hand or two of bridge daily despite hell, high weather and disbursing problems. If such a group exists we salute it for having the intestinal fortitude to take much needed mental recreation. It is entirely possible to get the meat of Memo and Manual assignments in the compulsory study period and to work most of the problems assigned. Then a few hands of bridge before the lights go out might conceivably make sleeping a little easier. And if we must have night-mares it is far better to dream that we overpaid an officer, accepted "N.G." pay receipts, or messed up our quarterly returns. The purpose of the school, we think will be accomplished if we spend most of our waking hours on disbursing--out sleeping hours need not necessarily be invaded.

Of course everybody can't play bridge and even some people who thing they are do not entirely succeed in convincing others with whom they play. For that last hour before lights out there are many other diversions beside bridges playing. We can run over to the Club if see the little woman, grab a short been and do a little yedelling; the Glee Girl will help in that regard if we ever get it going.

Except on unusual occasions we should be able to expect a little relaxation between 2200 and 2300. Make the most of it because it should help make our study hours mere profitable.
