

Drills, Calisthenics Scheduled for V-12

With the first organizational work completed, the officers in charge of the Navy V-12 plan have released additional information concerning the make-up of the Unit in its present form, and the outlook for the Apprentice Seamen now residing in Kirkland and Eliot Houses.

From the 16 year old NROTC Unit, 203 men are here for one two, or four terms of additional training, while 287 other former Harvard men have returned at government expense. Students transferred from other former Harvard men have returned at government expense. Students transferred form other colleges for varying lengths of line number 167, and 267 new V-men, including a number of seamen transferred from other duties, complete the roster.

Much of the time to date has been spent in preliminary work of many types--registration with the College administrative offices, medical check-up examinations, assignment to quarters, and the first touches of the basic Navy discipline which will govern the daily schedules of all men connected with the plan

Drill Continues

Drill in the school of the recruit and the school of the squad will continue as men having little or no previous military experience form before all meals, and precede to most activities in marching columns. In addition to routine marching, the more advanced NROTC Unit will spend three hours per week in drill, while all others drill for one hour weekly.


At the conclusion of the navy physical examination, which includes swimming tests and various calisthenics feats, all men will be classified according to their general fitness, and those who do well will be permitted some choice concerning the type of athletic work to be done in the training periods. In addition to the pre-breakfast periods in which men will alternate mile runs and calisthenics, the NROTC will devote three hours each week to conditioning, and others, carrying lighter drill schedules, will exercise for five hours.

Putting an end to the speculations about uniforms word has been posted that the first issues will be made today. All general V-12 and pre-med students are to receive seamen's whites and blues as outlined in their first orders. Members of the NROTC Unit, which is to maintain its distinctive identity throughout the program, will receive, in addition to the dress blues now held, two khaki summer working uniforms, dress whites, and midshipman undress whites. Shoulder boards for the khakis and whites are not authorized at present, nor is the wearing of brown-or white shoes with any uniforms. Certain items for all hands, such as shoes, athletic equipment, and miscellaneous small stores, will round out the basic issue
