

Even after we have been six months at the Navy Supply Midshipmen-Officers School, there are still many questions of vital interest to us all that have not been explained to anyone's satisfaction.

They involve certain fundamental maters, such as the raison d'etre of the comparatively legthy study assignments to which we have been devoted, and their connection with duties to be assumed upon completion of this course.

The yeh's and no's of USN commissions, and other such weighty matters are on our minds. We look forward to a frank discussions.

Leave Data Taken

With regard to the special temporary duty assignment for the fall leave period, application for specific billes (description of which will be posted) will be accepted from any men interested. Obviously, it would be impossible to know by September 21 which men will fall into which quartiles.


Full mid-semester grades in all courses including regular performance ratings, will be out by the end of next week. Because of the delay required for grading bluebooks, next Monday's disbursing exam will be included in the calculations for compilation of the "privileged" list to appear next Friday.

Appointments Announced

Elected officers of the battalion announced this week that Donald Marek, of Iowa, has been chosen to edit the school yearbook, and that Ellis M. Prussing, of Ohio, will be Business Manager.

Marek, of Co. 3, has held various editorial positions on publications of the 4-11 Clubs, was editor of the 1942 "Bomb," Iowa State College annual, and has contributed to the Iowa Agriculturalist and the Iowa Homemaker. Prussing, of Co. 4, edited his high school yearbook and held the position of advertising and business manager of the Oberlin College annual.

On taking over the yearbook job, Marek said, "The yearbook staff will endeavor to record the military, academic, and social activities of the Midshipmen-Officers School. The book will represent the combined talents of the entire school."

Marek will report on cost estimates and other details in the near future, for some contribution in addition to subscriptions may be necessary to finance the project.
