

Navy Indoctrination and Communications School

"War is Rell"

The Hell it is exclaimed some 70-odd student officers of the Communications School as they cut the rug over at the Phillips Brooks House last Monday night. "Not when you've got an orchestra like the one giving out here now," Yes, brethren, weez has got us an orchestra!

You don't believe us? Well, where do you think those lilting refrains emanate from every Monday and Wednesday nights? Yas, sub, from none other than our own swing band. Who's in it, and where do they come from? Well, stand at ease, fella, and we'll tell ya. Thus far we've got five pieces--now wait a second, wuddya mean they probably don't sound so hot with only five fellas? Listen, skipper, each one of those jive bugs is an orchestra in himself. You still don't believe it? O.K., just name a man in these parts who can give out on the trumpet like Jimmy Oliver of Company C. No, we're not gonna make any cracks about the Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company C, 'cause he's beyond that category--man, he can play anything! Why, he even turned that sour punch they serve ever there into the smoothest batch of squashed grapes you ever tasted.

And More

What was that remark? He's probably the only one they have? Fella, you haven't been around very much, have you--wotchya doin'--readin' C.I. all the time? Take that fella who sits next to him "Slush" Buskirk. The armed forces don't have to take Tommy Dorsey if they want a real trombone player. Heck, no, we've got the ace right here in our own ball park. And what about Merv Lysing on the sax? Minnesota sure lost a good bet when he went to Harvard here. And the rhythm section only two pieces, but man, they are pulenty sufficient for anybody's dance floor. You really ought to drop around and hear that guy Gelnett from Company B play that guilar. Doggon'--when he teams up with "Keys" Davis of Co. C, why the outfit is really complete.


Hey There--

Who said that? Wuddya mean, do we dance with one another? Don't be silly, fel'a, that's the part we've been saving for now. Most of you gang go out during your great big one hour off and slug at the golden beverage and just gape at the feminine gender as they sit in other booths and the like. Do you gape over here?--heck no! There are whole mess of swellegent gals to dance with over there. In fact--and form a single line for this one willya--the girls have been outnumbering the men. Are they nice? Aw, heck, I've done enough suggesting already--just drop over and find out for yourself! They are really swell looking gals--every one of 'em--and you've got our guarantee to that one!

Hey, and another suggestion before you leave. If you know any fellas interested in joining the orchestra, why tell 'em to hustle over with whatever instrument they play, and sit in. So Monday and Wednesday nights we'll be seeing you.
