NAVY V-12 students who are new housed in Eliot House will soon have full use of Eliot's extensive library Keyes D. Metcalf announced last night.
At the request of Lt. Edward Hodnett USNIt, this library, containing some eleven thousand volumes, will open in the near future to provide for the V-12ers in Eliot House a means of recreational reading, besides aiding them in their college studies.
For the past, five years, the Eliot House Library has been under the direct supervision of Howard P. K. Hoddick 1L, who will continue to manage the affairs of the library, having, how-ever, Navy men to assist him in his duties.
No request has been submitted as yet for the opening of the Kirkland House Library, for the use of the V-12 men stationed there, but Matcalf has made it clear that any such petition will be willingly accepted and considered.
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