

Gold bars were again the order of the day on Monday when Class 9-43 of the Army Air Force Statistical School was graduated at Potter Auditorium. General Roland Randall, who has been stationed in Panama, Lieutenant-Colonel R. E. S. Deichler of the 18th Statistical Control Unit, School of Applied Tactics, Orlando, Florida, and Dr. A. George, who has been doing work of a statistical nature for his own country, Great Britain, were all present to welcome the new Statisticians.

Lieutenant Morton Lustig was awarded both the diploma for excellence in his studies and the Commanding Officers' award, a set of gold bars and Air Force insignia presented to the student of each class who is recognized as outstanding in all phases of work at the School.

Wife Does Honors

Lieutenant Claude Hollister has the initial honor of having his wife, a member of the WAACS, pin his gold bar and wings on his collar before the assembled guests in the auditorium. After a snappy salute, each returned to his seat. We trust Lieutenant Hollister will adhere to the age-old custom of giving one dollar to first enlisted man (or woman in this case) who salutes him as an officer.

Five honor diplomas were awarded to Lieutenants Irving R. Cohen, Edmund A. Mounis, John T. Brogdon, James Grear, and Winton W. Wenzel.
