Last week was the climactic phase of the ASOTS stay at Harvard. It was examination week and it was clear to all that the Faculty was obtaining full revenge for the trouncing given them in baseball the previous week. It was a sad week, and it will be a sadder one when the grades come in. The only good that can be said of the past week is that it proved conclusively there are three ways to pass an examination.
The first method is clear: Write a good blue book. Though this is the most obvious method, it also is the most difficult. Only the chosen few can do it.
The second method might be termed the red approach. To follow this path one must act boldly and expeditiously. First, corner the professor some time after the exam, preferably in his own office. Then invite him out for a drink, tell him what kind of a swell guy he is, and praise him for his teaching ability. And, incidentally, be sure to tell him what a fine fellow you are.
The third approach might be termed the retainer approach. For the average student it has the most potentialities. But it must be used skillfully, since it might offend the sensibilities of the professor. Perhaps an example will illustrate the point. This example though happening at a college other than Harvard is being adopted as a case by Organization Control Dept. as a means of securing cooperation. Here is the story:
It seems that a student was having a very difficult time with Acct. He could not tell an asset from a liability and was making no headway with it. To the accounting exam he attached the following note:
Dear Professor:
Enclosed you will find a ten dollar bill. Use it to good advantage. Let your conscience be your guide.
Three days later the student was called before the Dean and summarily expelled. What irked the student was not the fact of expulsion but the fact that the ten dollars were not returned.
The moral of this story is never trust an accountant with money.
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