An appropriation of $60,000 has been made by the Corporation from University funds to finance a two-year study of future provisions for a broad, general liberal arts education in American high school and colleges. This fund, taken from the University's unrestricted income, will be placed at the disposal of Harvard's new Committee on the Objectives of a General Education in a Free Society, headed by Dean Paul H. Buck of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
Certain members of this committee, organized as the result of recommendations made by Present Conant, will be relieved of all academic duties so that they may devote themselves to studies of post-war problems of education. At the conclusion of their work, they will publish a report which will be available for wide distribution.
War Period Used for Survey
In his annual report, President Conant suggested that the war period, a the of relatively few opportunities for study in the liberal arts, be used for survey purposes, a "taking of stock" of the entire question of liberal arts education in this country. President Conant foresaw sweeping educational advances in the future, by which the average American, not merely "the small" minority who attend our four-year college," will have greater cultural opportunities.
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