Declaring the quantity and attitude of his men to be as favorable as in years past, Coach Henry Lamar is planning a contest with a local school for his pigskin charges to round up their five week spring training.
The 55 grid candidates have had seven scrimmages and two intra-squad games this spring. Stressing fundamentals rather than tricky ball handling, Lamar has seen some hard, well played football in his team games. Captained by last year's veterans, George Hibbard and Russ Stannard, the first tussle resulted in a 12 to 0 triumph for Stannard and his mates. The first score was effected by a 30 yard march, climaxed by a two yard buck that took the ball over the line. A tally on an intercepted pass took the score into the two digit column.
The latest game, played between Paul Perkins' stalwarts and Bob Bryan's intrepids, finished with the latter team on top, 7 to 6. In these contests newcomers Henry Newman, Ray Eder, Hanley Stromberg, and Ben Burr looked fairly good. The squads have been divided up evenly and everyone was given a chance to rush his opponent around.
Interesting observation and a Van Wyck tickler was the minimum of injuries sustained by the team which, Lamar ventured, was attributed to the rigorous conditioning classes that the College has been exposed to this winter.
Earl Brown and Floyd Stahl have been aided by Don Forte, Russ Stannard, and Swede Anderson in molding the 35 aspirants into a team. Wayne Johnson, Bill Wilson, Paul Garrity, George O'Day, Sid Smith, and Dana Dudley have formed a nucleus for a team that Lamar expects may play with other colleges next fall.
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