

Addresses Made By Conant, Saltonstall, and Mcllwain

In the formal presentation services held yesterday at 2 o'clock, President Conant, Governor Leverett Saltonstall '14, and Charles H. McIlwain, Eaton Professor of the Science of Government, addressed a gathering attending the dedication of John Harvard Mall in Charlestown.

Speaking in a dual capacity as governor of the Commonwealth in which the University has grown from such small foundations to its present size and as a leading alumnus of the College, Saltonstall commented on the contrast between the outlook for youth in America and in occupied lands abroad.

In his discussion of reasons for such a gift, he said, "This outdoor spot, in the heart of the city, has been created in our darkest hours of war so that children may grow up to be better men and women in a better world. It is a living token of that hope and of that faith which we so sorely need today."

Gift's Importance Noted

Prior to the actual presentation, Professor McIlwain stressed the great importance of John Harvard's original gift of books which did much to start the College on its way.


Completing the transfer of the property to Mayor Tobin of Boston, President Conant expressed the common feeling of indebtedness to the unknown donor, and noted the importance of the simple cermony, seemingly unrelated to the war effort, but which was for him "symbolic of the spirit which now burns throughout this nation."
