

Praise the Lord, and pass me my commission ... Just a few more hours of nervous prostration, men, and we'll all be free ... in one way or another. The day of Judgement has arove (yeh man). Some time today, probably this morning, Midshipmen who are to be interviewed by the Scholarship Committee will be satisfied. By Noon tomorrow, our worries will be over, or they will have just begun, as the case may be.

We have been given to understand two things First, all men who are called for interview will not necessarily be bilged. Second, all men who make the minimum grade will not necessarily stay on. But, as was promised, it looks like each case will be considered on its own merit. In all seriousness, we'll all be terrifically relieved when the suspense is over. The best of luck to every anxious reader.

New Quarters

According to our calendar, we should all be in comfy new apartments by now, since 129 Midshipmen arrive at Soldiers Field today. But there's many a slip between the flag bag and the "dip."

Although we sorta felt like orphinks during yesterday's graduation exercises, our day is a'comin'. With lotsa weekend liberty we ought to be completely relaxed for Commencement Tuesday. If we are able to see the platform at all, we'll do our best to get up there. And, did you know that we'll then get orders detaching us from here to report to the Harvard Graduate School of Business, as ensigns?


Entertainment Planned

Our thanks in advance to Doug Baker for arranging the swell blowout for Monday night, and to "Had" Haddaway for consenting to toast-mast (er?). If we can keep up with Had's double talk, things'll be fun. It starts flowing at 1800, at the Harvard Club of Boston, Commonwealth and Massachusetts Avenues (Mass. Ave. Station), and first on the programme are "unlimited cocktails" until 1845. Featured on the dinner will be Mushroom Soup, Roast Beef and Strawberry Sundae, garnished with Midshipman entertainment, some tavern harmony led by "Jake" and a very few remarks from the honored guests. Captain McIntosh, Lieutenant Commanders Hesser and Collins, and Lieutenant Anderson are expected to be an board, and Deans David and Smith, and Mr. Bates of the Harvard faculty have also been invited. That will be a party to remember or I miss my guess!

The spirited Management class last Wednesday made us think of that old rhyme, "No more pencils, no more books, etc." And "Killer" Grew will positively accept any and all nominations to run for any office on the V. W. A. (Vacationing Workers of America) ticket. H'ray.

Officers Win

Sports Page: "Carney Pitches Midshipmen to Moral Vicory Over Supply School Officers." .. Courageously supported by a sterling infield, and what looked to this observer like a pennant winning battery, "Red" "Buster" "Big League" Carney pitched a band-up second inning ball game last Tuesday, almost winning his own fray with a .670 batting average. After seven (7) successive walks by a weary Supply School pitcher, the Middies rosily opened up to score five runs in the second inning. Another one-run rally in the fifth led the Carneyites to a moral victory in the seven inning thriller that made the Yanks loik like bush leaguers. (Oh, yes, the Officers won, 14-6).

A few sidelights on the game include: loser-pay beer fest was sort of a farewell party for most of the Supply School team, who are being detached today; our own sweet Lupy is reported to have lost heavily on the game, and Lt. Com. Moore and Lt. Jeffrey of the Supply School were the enemy's backers! And, to tell the whole truth, there were 6 runs, 3 hits, and 6 errors for our side, 14 runs, 13 hits and 1 error for there guys. (Box score through the courtesy of their score keeper.).

Invitation Stands

That invite to Seth Grey for our party Monday still holds, since he's back with us, promoted, temporarily, to administrative assistant to Miss Lupo. We nominate him C. M. O. (Calmest Man on Campus) this week, because he actually knows where he'll be the next four months, come hell or high seas.

Watch out for "Gil", ship's store keeper come Tuesday. He's out to collect as near to $180 as he can, following that old Navy tradition that requires each newly commissioned officer to reward his first salute with one dollar and a return salute. That's one dollar this Midshipman won't mind spending!

Last Column

Well, mates, this is our last "Midshipmen" column. It's taken time and a little work, but it's been a real pleasure for me. I hope it has served its simple purpose. Mebbe we'll be 'round to give out with some more "straight dope" next term. Anyhow, please don't forget it's your column, [(')] be your yearbook soon, and the Midshipman-Officers School is still your school. So, thanks for listenia', and let's hope [(')] be clear salting form here on out.
