

The Army Air Forces Statistical School is due for a full week-end beginning with the arrival of approximately eighty students from Miami Beach OCS today. Because of their early arrival, the new Officer Candidates will be able to preview their own graduation five weeks hence. Perhaps this will serve as a stimulus and make for a 100% graduation record. At any rate, the Statistical School bids you all welcome.

Saturday evening, May 22, will find the dormitories of Mellon Hall deserted of potential 2nd Lieutenants, for they will be found at the Parker House Roof dancing with WAVES, WAACS, and & few "civilians" in celebration of their graduation the following Monday morning. By dint of the grapevine, this promises to be a very "gay" affair.

To start the new week, approximately, seventy-five. Officer Candidates will march to Potter Auditorium at 1100 o'clock where they will be accepted into the Air Reserve as Statistical Officers. Colonel Byron C. Gates, Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Management Control, plans on being present, to welcome the new officers, but should he be unable to appear, his representative will be on hand. Colonel William S. Wood, of the Army Training Schools, Harvard University, will give a brief address to the men on the responsibilities of their new duties. It is hoped that Colonel Clyde V. Finter, Commanding Officer of our immediate Headquarters will be able to attend to give one of his customary fine messages to the graduating officers.

Sunday afternoon a tour of Harvard University is being planned for the relatives of the Officer Candidates who have travelled to Boston in order to share in the graduation ceremonies, and on Monday afternoon, a tea will be held in Mellon Hall Library.

Major John F. Heflin, who has been both at a conference at Headquarters First District, AAFTTC, Greensboro, N. C. and on a leave of absence from the Stat School, will return on Saturday in time to deliver the orientation address to the new students and to preside at graduation Monday morning. We trust that when he returns to Boston, he will be well rested and tanned.
