
Ration Books, Needed at Home, May Be Gotten Now

Men leaving for the vacation may obtain their ration books from University Hall at any time during regular office hours, 9 to 5 o'clock.

When meals are resumed in the Adams, Dunster, and Kirkland House dining halls, three books may be required, for Ration Book No. 3 is soon to be issued through the mails. Present rationing of many ordinary foods makes it important that these books be taken out for the six week period. In addition to the food coupons which will be consumed in "home cooking," many No. 17 stamps will be used, for their one-pair shoe value expires at the end of June.

Separate orders from the heads of the Army and Navy training programs are expected to call in all books held by their trainees, for regulations do not permit a civilian ration in addition to the G.I. mess.
